Come to the Feast...
Come to the Feast...
Come to the Feast...
Come to the Feast...
Part of Wistaria Project's mission is to challenge the ways we finance/produce performance as a microcosm for experiments in the financial practices of our larger societies. It's why we're not a company or incorporated in any way and don't expect to get paid through our work together here. We aren't fundraising for this event. We believe performance should be more like community service and less like venture capitalism.
Our Re-Residency is passing on the Residency we received from the Center at West Park to others, and this includes the financial "package" --
a 50% split of the box office proceeds.
This means that we will be redistributing equally Wistaria Project's half of the overall proceeds to the artists and activists who have co-created this event with us. So:
But, this is an ongoing negotiation: We recognize we live in a highly money-focused society; our events still incur general costs, and the presenters (i.e. artists and activists) putting on this Feast incur individual costs and deserve compensation for their work and time, and we also want the event to be accessible to people across all economic spectrums. While we experiment with ways to do this, we hope we can start
the journey of
Feast Your Famine
right here, by enacting with you some ways we might make our society more equitable.
We have a STANDARD TICKET price that reflects the current "market value" of what we're doing. We also have a SLIDING-SCALE possibility.
Please consider paying the standard price or more if you can -- the "extra" goes to the presenters and their efforts and service to our communities.
Think of it like a potluck meal.
We each bring what we can
and put it all
together and feed us all.
Let's make a
feast out of a famine.
Feast Your Famine is designed to be seen all 5 evenings in its entirety and to journey with the artists and activists. Consider coming more than one night....
One night
Suggested donation$25
Sliding $5 and up
3-day pass
Suggested $60
Sliding $15 and up
5-day pass
Suggested $100
Sliding $20 and up
In a snap culture of virtual experiences,
we intend to provide a range of artists and activists a chance to further their work and create in new collaborations together, even if in a small way.
And, we want to bring them together with audiences to follow in community a
meta-dramaturgy -- or meta-liturgy --
across five evenings of events, embarking --
in person and in community -- on a journey of boundary crossing, soul-troubling, and action.